Uris are very much basic part of the whole REST conceptual model, the Uniform Resource
Locator (Uri) points to a unique resource. REST is all about performing operation
on those resources. The RestUri class in Resty.Net is divided into mainly two parts:
Anonymous style:
- The Base Uri.
- The Resource Uri
The Base Uri:
The base Uri points the server where the REST resources exists. eg: http://localhost/
, https://localhost/ , https://locahost:50001 , etc.
The Resource Uri:
The resource Uri points to the resource on the server. e.g. /Person, /Person/1,
/book etc. The resource uri can be resource template which has variables
embedded, e.g. /Person/{id}
API documentation:
- RestUri(string baseUri)
- Instantiate a RestUri with the complete url in a single string.
- e.g new RestUri("http://example.com/Person/{id}");
- Instantiate a RestUri with the complete url in a single string.
- RestUri(string baseUri, string resourceUri)
- Instantiate a RestUri with base url set to baseUri and the resource uri template
set to resourceUri.
- e.g. new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{id}");
- Instantiate a RestUri with base url set to baseUri and the resource uri template
set to resourceUri.
- RestUri(Uri baseUri, string resourceUri)
- RestUri(Uri baseUri, Uri resourceUri)
- SetQuery(string name, object value)
- Set a querystring parameter for the RestUri instance. Returns the current instance
of RestUri hence making it possible to chain the methods in fluent manner.
- e.g. new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person").SetQuery("searchTerm", "bob")
- => http://example.com/Person?searchTerm=bob
- Set a querystring parameter for the RestUri instance. Returns the current instance
of RestUri hence making it possible to chain the methods in fluent manner.
- SetQuery(object queryParams)
- Set a querystring parameter for the RestUri instance. Returns the current instance
of RestUri hence making it possible to chain the methods in fluent manner.
- e.g. new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{id}").SetQuery(new { searchTerm = "bob"})
- => http://example.com/Person?searchTerm=bob
- Set a querystring parameter for the RestUri instance. Returns the current instance
of RestUri hence making it possible to chain the methods in fluent manner.
- SetParameter(string name, object value)
- Set uri template parameter value.
- e.g. new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{id}").SetParameter("id", 1)
- => http://example.com/Person/1
- Set uri template parameter value.
- SetParameter(object uriTemplateParams)
- Set uri template parameter value.
- e.g. new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{id}").SetParameter(new {id = 1})
- => http://example.com/Person/1
- Set uri template parameter value.
- BaseUri
- Gets the base uri of a request.
Setting multiple querystrings
Fluent style:
new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person") .SetQuery("searchTerm", "bob") .SetQuery("page",1) .SetQuery("perpage", 10);
=> http://example.com/Person?searchTerm=bob&page=1&perpage=10
Anonymous style:
new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person") .SetQuery(new {searchTerm = "bob", page= 1,perpage=10});
=> http://example.com/Person?searchTerm=bob&page=1&perpage=10
Setting multiple template parameters
Fluent style:
new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{searchTemr}/{page}/{perpage}") .SetParameter("searchTerm","bob") .SetParameter("page", 1) .SetParameter("perpage", 10);=> http://example.com/Person/bob/1/10
Anonymous style:
new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{searchTemr}/{page}/{perpage}") .SetParameter(new{searchTerm = "bob", page= 1,perpage=10});=> http://example.com/Person/bob/1/10
How RestUri sits together with RestRequest?
RestUri restUri = new RestUri("http://example.com","/Person/{searchTemr}/{page}/{perpage}").SetParameter(new{searchTerm = "bob", page= 1,perpage=10}); RestRequest request = new RestRequest(HttpMethod.Get, restUri);
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